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March Update

Published on March 3, 2016, by in Uncategorized.

USA is sending 42 more family water filters!


A song for Project LINC

Andover Middle School 7th grader Mollie Beaver teamed up recently with songwriter Aaron Sidwell who wrote a song for Mollie to sing and record for Project LINC. On August 21, a student representative from schools in Project LINC (5 schools and 3 continents) skyped together in order to sing/record the chorus of the song for



Meet Nefeli-Sofia Stefopoulou: Greek winner of the YouthSpark Challenge for Change and Project LINC’s Ambassador

Click on the pictures to read her interview for Microsoft News Centre Europe  


Greece’s fairytale preview…

This fairy tale is the story of Project LINC through the eyes and voice of Greek students and how kids who live an ocean apart realized the power of using one united voice to change the world.  As we all know fairy tales are sometimes true stories..and this fairytale is a true story, too…  


Andover students raise awareness of water issues in poor countries

  Andover students raise awareness of water issues in poor countries.


Social Studies PowerPoint used for class discussion 2

African Water Crisis Africa Water Crisis