USA is sending 42 more family water filters!

February Update
Greece is sending more money this month that would cover 46 additional homes
Our thoughts and hearts are with you!!

A song for Project LINC
Andover Middle School 7th grader Mollie Beaver teamed up recently with songwriter Aaron Sidwell who wrote a song for Mollie to sing and record for Project LINC. On August 21, a student representative from schools in Project LINC (5 schools and 3 continents) skyped together in order to sing/record the chorus of the song for the cd/iTunes track. We at Project LINC think it is just awesome to see what our students can do - together. Stay tuned for more!

Interview with Havilla’s Teacher Tyson
Teacher Tyson at the Havilla Childrens Center in the Kibera Slum of Nairobi discusses the impact that Lifestraw water filters will have on students in the school.

Interview with Director Jairus at Cheery Children Ed Centre
Nancy from Vestergaard talks with Jairus Makambi about the impact Lifestraw filters provided by students in Kansas, Pennsylvania, and Greece will have on students at the Cheery Children Education Centre in the Kibera Slum of Nairobi.